Friday, July 16, 2010

Acai Optimum – Side Effects

Probably, most of the capsules available in the name of diet pills, found in the local drug stores carry some undesired effect. But Acai Optimum is not just a diet capsule, but a nutritional supplement that is hundred percent pure, without any harmful chemical ingredients or stimulants. When you look into the over the counter supplements, you may find ephedra or caffeine, the ingredients causing pretty severe unintended effects.

Ingredients in Acai Optimum produce earth shattering results without such side effects. Some people may compare the EGCG content of green tea with caffeine, but in fact, it does not create any rebounding effects. Further, do not confuse the energy stimulation again with caffeine, as higher stamina is generated due to the cleansing work that happens within your body. Indeed, you become healthier person and more energetic person, with Acai Optimum.

Acai Optimum has abundant in-soluble fiber along with anti-oxidants and therefore it functions on the digestive system to cleanse the free radicals, wastes and other toxins in the tract. This is very much approved in the medical tests and the researchers convey that everybody benefits from this method of cleansing except the people who have thyroid problems. However, people can consult with medical professional ahead of consuming, as kelp - an ingredient, may influence the medications for thyroid.

So far, there are no complaints about Acai Optimum side effects both in medical research as well as from the customers. If you are skeptical, make use of free sample and verify, prior to the real purchase.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Acai Optimum Against Thyroid Imbalances

Thyroid gland is present in front of voice box or larynx and it secretes thyroid hormones. But when there is deficiency in thyroid hormone secretion, you may feel more fatigue, cramping in muscles, dry skin and hair, low memory backup, weight gain, irregular menstruation, constipation, neurological impairments as well as mental retardation among newborns. But excess production creates sweating, thirst, weight loss, nervousness, palpitations, sleep disturbances, breathing difficulty and reduction in muscle strength. Women suffer from infertility, with more of miscarriages or absence of regular periods. But the Acai Optimum has absolute health benefits to combat all the symptoms caused by thyroid problem.

The parts in digestive system are cleansed and therefore you get enhanced digestion, which automatically flushes away the toxins and wastes out.

Acai Optimum increase the pace of metabolism and you get more energy to supplement the fatigue caused by the imbalance in thyroid. All the old cells are repaired and generate new fresh cells to make you a bundle of stamina.

Excess weight melts away fat with fat soluble vitamins like A, E, D and K. It reduces LDL and promotes HDL. Therefore you are safe, even in terms of cardio vascular disease, without sweating, nervousness and breathing difficulty.

As the destruction of cells is stopped, the cells in your body positively develop, including the brain cells, increasing the memory capacity, concentration, good sleeping etc.

There is a good charge for your immunity system and once you regain your immunity, your thyroid starts to function in the optimal way and avoid infertility.

Combating thyroid is naturally possible with the genuine acai products like Acai Optimum.